Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What we know/How we know it

Last time we explored the meaning of "know." This time we're going to begin noticing what John says that the believers know and how they know it.

Read 1 John 2:3. In this verse, John gives his readers a proof by which they can know that they know Jesus. What is that proof?

Let's make a chart. This will be a continuing chart, so put it someplace where you can find it in the future. Divide a piece of paper in half. On the top left, write: What we know. On the top right, write: How we know it.

What does 1 John 2:3 tell us that we know? Write 1 Jn 2:3 on the far left. Then write what this verse tells us that we know in the left column.
What's the proof that we have come to know Him? Write the answer to this question in the right column.

In his gospel, John recorded something that Jesus said about keeping His commandments. Let's read that to see what insights it might give us.
Read John 14:21-26.
  • In verse 21, who does Jesus say loves Him? Whom does Jesus say the Father loves? What does Jesus say He will do for that person who keeps His commandments?
  • In verse 23, what does Jesus say those who love Him will do? What will happen because of that? What word in 1 John 1:3 do you think of when you hear that the Father and Son will "make their abode with him" (him--the one who keeps His commandments)?
  • In John 14:24, who does Jesus say does not love Him?
  • In verse 26, Whom does Jesus say the Father will send in His name?
  • What will the Holy Spirit do for those who keep the Lord's commands?

Place a bookmark in John, so you can easily find it again.

Read 1 John 2:4-6. Who is a liar? Why is he a liar? What verse does this remind you of in John 14?

What have we learned from these verses about knowing Christ and keeping His commands?

The first part of 1 John 2:5 in the NASB reads: but whoever keeps His word. What phrase in verse 4 is similar and means about the same thing? What does this verse say has happened in the person who keeps His word and commandments?

How does the passage from John 14 help us to better understand what John means in 1 Jn 2:5 when he writes: "in him the love of God has truly been perfected"? According to the passage in John 14 and these verses we just read, Who dwells in the person who keeps His commands? According to 1 John 4:16, what is God? If God is perfect, could there be anything wrong with this love? So, what could you say about this love? If God lives within the believer, then what kind of love dwells within the believer?

The end of verse five and the beginning of six, give us another addition for our chart. Write 1 Jn. 2:5-6 on the far left. What does the last part of verse 5 and the beginning part of verse 6 say that we know? Write that in the left column. What proof of that is given in the last part of verse 6? Write that in the right column.

So, if a person keeps His commandments and walks in the same manner as He walked, what does that prove about that person?

Since John wrote to warn believers about false teachers, what might be some ways that believers could recognize these teachers who aren't genuine believers?

Keep this chart in a safe place since we'll be adding more to it later.

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