Thursday, February 18, 2010

John's Readers and the World

John has just discussed the difference between those who walk in the light and those who stumble in the darkness.
Read 1 John 2:12-14. John is speaking to his readers/listeners. From what you read, are they walking in the light or stumbling in the dark?
What are some of the basic things that they know they have in Christ?
Are they all new Christians? mature Christians? inbetween?
Are they all young, old, middle-aged?
No matter what age they are or what their spiritual maturity, what are they all doing that's the same?
Yes, they're all walking in the light because of what Christ did for them.

Now read 1 John 2:15-17.
What is John warning his readers/listeners about in this section?
To whom did John address his message, the message you read at the start of this blog, about what his readers/listeners have from and in Christ because of their walking in the light? To whom is he addressing these warnings about the world? Is it the same audience? Do you think John believes that the world can tempt people away from walking with God no matter what their level of spiritual maturity or age? Why do you think that?
In verses 15 through 17, what does John tell believers not to love?
If a believer loves the world, what is not in him?
So, what does that indicate about the one who loves the world?
Earlier in this letter, when had John said that the love of God is in a believer?
What three things does John mention are in the world?
Who are these things not from?
What is passing away? What is passing away with it?
Who abides forever?
What kind of life does the one who does the will of God have?

Find your light/dark chart.
In verses 12-14, you have a list of items that would appear on the light side of your chart. Add them to that side.
In verses 15-17, you have a list of items that would appear on the dark side of your chart. Add the ones that belong on that side. If there's something that belongs on the light side, place it there.

What thoughts go through your mind and heart as you read through the items on both sides of this chart?
As you go through your day today, walk in the Light!

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