Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Comparing 1 John 1:1-4 with John 1:1-4

We have now completed an overview of 1 John. We've looked at who wrote it, to whom it was written, when it was written, where it was written, and why it was written. Now, it's time to take a closer look at smaller portions of this letter, always keeping in mind the broader context.

Read 1 John 1:1-4 in a few different versions of the Bible. Include the NASB, NIV, RSV, or KJV as one of those versions.
Now read John 1:1-4 in those same versions.

What first struck you in reading these two passages?
Who wrote each of these passages?

According to John 1:1-4:
  • What was in the beginning, was with God, and was God?
  • What does "He" in verse 2 refer back to from verse 1?
  • What do we learn about Him?
  • What does verse 3 tell us about Him, the Word?
  • What was in Him, the Word?
  • Does that fit what verse 3 told us about Him?
  • What is another way of expressing that idea? What name might you give Him that has to do with Him being the Word and the Life?
  • And how does this life affect human beings?

According to 1 John 1:1-4:

  • What was from the beginning? (The Message interprets "from the beginning" to mean "from the beginning of Jesus' ministry" in this context and in other places to refer to when these believers first confessed Christ as their Savior. However, the majority of versions use this phrase to refer back ages and ages ago to when everything first got started. )
  • What had John and friends heard, seen, beheld, and handled?
  • What title or name does John give this one from the beginning that he and his friends had experienced firsthand?
  • How does this title remind you of what John taught about the Word in his gospel?
  • What was shown, appeared, or was manifested to John and friends?
  • As witnesses, what does John say that he and his friends are doing with what they experienced firsthand?
  • What are they proclaiming?
  • With Whom was this eternal life?
  • Why are John and friends proclaiming, announcing, testifying, witnessing about this eternal life?
  • What can those who believe this testimony have with John and friends?
  • With whom do John and friends have fellowship?
  • So, if John's listeners had fellowship with John and his friends, with Whom do they also have fellowship?
  • And how do John and friends feel about others having this same fellowship with the Father and Son as they have?

From these two passages, what do you learn about the Word? Who is this Word of Life?

How did John and his friends know about this Word of Life?

How do people like you and me know about this Word of Life?

Take a moment to think about those in your life who testified, announced, and witnessed the good news of eternal life in Jesus Christ. Was their joy complete when you believed and joined the fellowship that they had with the Father and the Son?

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